Resume of Training and Experience in counselling and organizational development
Ordination and M.H.L. from Hebrew Union College. Human Relations and Counseling courses.
Human Relations 202 – Nature and Variety of Human Behavior
Human Relations E12 – Planning for Community action
Human Relations 203 -Psychology of Religious Experience
Homiletics E-20 – Contemporary views of man and society as resources for sermons, and counselling
Human Relations E-5 “Marriage and Family Counselling and training in group dynamics methods for family life education.
Human Relations E-16 “Rabbi as Participant Observer”
Human Relations – Readings in “Identity and Alienation”
Human Relations 402 – Rabbi’s Ministry to Individuals
Internship as College Chaplain – Antioch College residency
Rabbinic Thesis: “Jewish Worship as Environment for Encounter”. Research and readings in current modalities of therapy including Gestalt Therapy, Psychodrama, “encounter” and sensitivity training groups, with the intent to explore applicability to the worship setting.
Graduate Studies in M.A. “Group Communications” program at University of Cincinnati. 38 Graduate Quarter hours:
Planned Social Change
Individual Behavior in Group Situations – Psychodrama
Practicum – Interpersonal Communications
Persuasion – Theories and Research
Seminar in Group Communication
Current Research in Communication
Introduction to Graduate Study in Communication
Research Design in Communications
Directed Problems – Death and Dying as a Group Theme
Directed Problems – Human Sexuality as a Group Theme
Professional Seminars and Training Programs in individual, group, family and organization communications.
Small Group Leadership
Antioch College Faculty and Administrative Group for Human Relations. Promoting sensitivity training for faculty and administration staff. Participant in six 2.5-day workshops, co-trainer of a 2.5-day workshop.
National Training Laboratories Inter-university Midwest group for Human Relations. Graduate student network. Workshops: One 2 ½ day, one 4 day and one 10-day intensive workshop.
Renaissance Coffee House, Dayton Ohio. Personal growth and communications themed program. Co-trained a 12-hour workshop and trained two 12-hour workshops.
Talbert House and the Cincinnati Free Clinic -Cincinnati Ohio drug related programs. Developed and Co-lead several on-going groups.
Individual, Marital and Family Counseling
Participant – A 15-hour seminar in “Conjoint Marital Therapy” lead by Ernest Andrews, M.S.W. of Ohio State School for Social Work.
Participant – Seminar “Death and Dying” lead by Dr. Elizabeth Kublier-Ross at George Williams College. 2.5 days.
Participant – “Chaplaincy Service Program”, McLeans Hospital, Belmont, Massachusetts. One Day per week in-service for pastoral counseling.
Participant – “Beyond Manipulation: Reciprocity in Family and Community Relationships” a 5-day seminar at Harvard Divinity School. Co-sponsored by the Eastern Pennsylvania Psychiatric Institute.
Certified Participant – “Family Counselor Development Workshop” a 5-day seminar in family therapy presented by the New York State Substance Abuse Services.
Participant- “Aging and the role of the Synagogue”, a 2-day seminar sponsored by the Union of American Hebrew Congregations and the Boston University Gerontology Center
Organization Process Improvement, Project Management and Information Technology
GM Go-Fast – trained and served as a coach for General Motor’s business process improvement program.
Project Management -Earned the P.M.P. - Project Management Professional certificate based on experience and testing. Led small and large projects, and taught seminars in various aspects of project management.
GM IT certificate programs:
“Business Systems Analysis and Software Engineering Certificate”
“IT Management Professional Certificate”
State of New Mexico – “Employee Supervision” and “Dealing with Sexual Harassment in the workplace” seminars
Family oriented congregational program for pre-bar/bat Mitzvah families: Modeled after Virginia Satir’s “Conjoint Family Therapy” the program viewed the Bar and Bat Mitzvah as a positive family ‘crisis’ and focused on the adolescent and family transitioning. There were several organic aspects:
Parent orientation sessions starting roughly a year out.
Parent and pre-bar/bat mitzvah candidate meetings with the Rabbi a year out exploring with the family the student’s readiness (Hebrew reading skills) and discussing the Bar or Bat Mitzvah ceremony as marking the beginning of the assumption of responsibility and success opportunity.
Family services focusing on the structure of the Shabbat morning service in which the Bar/Bat Mitzvah participates to familiarize families with that spiritual environment.
Restructuring the goals of the Hebrew school to prepare the student for a successful and comfortable experience, i.e., Hebrew reading skills, in-depth study of the prayers
of the Bar/Bat Mitzvah service.
Family Focus Month.
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